Wednesday, September 30, 2009

dester 'lovelost' brown

Let the heavens fall down,

let god play the clown,

i stand here,i frown.

for in love did i drown!

And now i wear a crown

as the king of Fools town,

Dester 'love lost' Brown !!



Memory is Life

Memory is life
. It is always carried by groups of living people,and therefore it is in permanent evolution. It is subject to the dialectics of remembering and forgetting,unaware of it's successive deformations,open to all kinds of use and manipulation. Sometimes it remains latent for long periods,then suddenly revives. History is the always incomplete and problematic reconstruction of what is no longer there. Memory always belongs to our time and forms a lived bond with the eternal present;history is a representation of the past

-Pierre Nora,
Les lieux de la memoire. 1984