Monday, October 5, 2009

On Hate & doing something about IT.

Chapter 2 : On Hate & doing something about IT.

You know you hate it,you know you want to do something about it,and if you haven't started doing anything about it,it's time you started doing something about it,and if you have started doing something about it,it's time you do something more about it.

And you can hate it more,and if you hate it less doesn't mean you can't hate it more,and you have hated it at some point in your existence and so you will hate it in some future point in your existence,so you had hated it,you are hating it and you will hate it.

There is no evading it,it is in the air,in the living room,and if you haven't seen wish you never see it and if you have seen it you wish you had never seen it.
But if you have heard it you know it has hurt you nad if you do not know now,you know you will know it sooner.

So,if you do not understand it,you do not know it,it means you are happier and you are safer,but if you know it,you hate,and you are sadder in the world because of it. You know you don't need it,so just Hate it for IT.


One Bizarre Scribe said...

confessions of a borderline-basket-case.. :)

Anonymous said...

@ one bizarre scribe : opinion of a confirmed basket-case,eh?


we getting sadder depends on what that "it" is. We may forget how much "it" hurt us, unless we did not expect "it" to hurt. :P

Anonymous said...

@ littl someone,

and i thought i was confusin :-P

One Bizarre Scribe said...

takes one to know one.. =)

Unknown said...

So it was my "it" experience that made you write "it" (: