Wednesday, November 12, 2008

P. speaks!

my time was short,my words shorter,and deeds (none i remember )!

i had a face (you didn't see) ,i had a phase (passing.but you did see)!

you had me down,i played my part (that of a clown),yet i saw a frown!

i talk well (no fault of mine),with all i do not gel (in part,fault's mine)!

i have words in my mouth(they come out),don't put in any (from the south)!

i remember what i said (i'v to),or in these parts i'll be dead!

but politics is a game (know to play),if not i'll have to tame (careful what you say)!

you come to me sleazy (how cheap),i'm not that crazy (i was taught to leap)!

there's no space for vanity,and i'm not falling for flattery!

you might find a zombie for help,but when a bee stings,even dogs yelp!

we are all young,the paths we tread narrow....then why to rubber we be hung?

i've a cold cold heart....worse...i hate it when in my face someone does fart!

it's easy come easy go (for me),you hit me from below (just cos i got balls)!

my balls have always got me trouble,but (since i've them) i'm also humble!

so if you haven't any...or if they are gone..don't get someone's on a loan!



nice poem dude, u seems to be good poet. keep it up , i m following u r blog, was nice to read it

Anonymous said...

the best as far as i read untill now. couldn't leave it without a comment.