Thursday, August 5, 2010

a thousand miles from you.

A thousand miles from you,
Yet,I left my heart outside your door.

My faith in the southern wind,
Makes be believe it’ll be taken to you.

If you hear the wind knocking ,
Do ask who for it’s probably my love.

Let me in,I mean no harm,
No silver and gold yet I promise you everything.

Have you lost faith in love?
Hold my hand,I won’t let go till the end of time.

I’ll carry you away,
Not to the stars or the moon but to an orchard of peaches.

If you ask for one,I give all,
And when you ask nothing at all,I’ll bring you spring before fall.

I’ll give you my name,
And your name I whisper in love to the tune of Vivaldi’s Spring.

I know I ain’t much,
But I keep my promises and I promise you faith and the joy of love.

I stand on two feet,
Now I’m on bended knee and in all honor it’s before you.



archiving me said...

mushy but kinda cute...

aoxisms said...

@ Sulfia :

i agree!

but,sometimes,simple childish statements of love,tell more than metered verses understood little for the ordinary but extraordinary women for whom it is intended,

why ask her to comprehend something complicated,when by the time she does,she's in another's arms?

aoxisms said...

@ Sulfia :

i agree!

but,sometimes,simple childish statements of love,tell more than metered verses understood little for the ordinary but extraordinary women for whom it is intended,

why ask her to comprehend something complicated,when by the time she does,she's in another's arms?

Deepa said...

thats really romantic 4 u!